Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz

Latest Pet Tech of 2023

As we head towards the holiday season, many people are starting to think about getting gifts for that someone special in their life, such as their dog or cat. However, yet another rawhide bone or a catnip toy seems so tedious. Why not surprise your pet or a pet-lover in your life with the latest and greatest pet-related tech?

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Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz


Are you exhausted from all of your holiday shopping? Maybe you still need to find that perfect gift for your pet. Spoil your trusted companion with our veterinarian-recommended gifts that will keep them happy and healthy.

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Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz

Puppy Limping? Difficulty Walking and Lameness!

Puppy Limping? Difficulty Walking and Lameness Article!

You came home from work and noticed your brand new puppy is limping. Now what? There are a few steps you can take for a dog limping, but it looks like it may be time for a visit to your veterinarian.

What is lameness?

Lameness is the result of a dog being unable to bear full weight on one or more limbs. This leads to a noticeable abnormality in the gait or difficulty walking. Lameness can be subtle or barely detectable (grade 1) to bearing no weight on one limb (grade 5).

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Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz

Avoid Dog Overheating in South Florida!

Animals and the hot South Florida heat don't go together when said pet is not being given proper airflow via an air conditioner or open window. You may have heard horror stories of pet owners leaving their pets in the back seat of their car in 110 degree summer heat, while they go in to a store "real quick" and end up staying in there for an hour or longer. It may sound just fine to go in to a store real quick, but we are humans and mistakes tend to be made, so losing track of time is not unusual when you go into a store or appointment. The fact is that leaving your pet in the car during a South Florida summer without an air conditioner on can be detrimental to your pet's health and should be avoided at all costs. It does not matter if it is for any extended period of time. The rule applies to both large and small dog owners during hot weather months. In cold weather, this is not as much of an issue. Cold weather means that there is no chance of a dog overheating when left in a car. Dehydration in dogs is just as important, however, and should be considered no matter the weather.

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Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz

How often you should visit your vet?

Getting a new pet as for you or your family is the most exciting and fulfilling responsibility! There are countless reasons to having pets, but it is up to us to care for them and make sure they stay healthy so they can have a long and happy life with your family. Living in South Florida can present additional challenges that our team at Pet Express Animal Hospital have successfully treated over the years. Below are 8 fairly common reasons for coming in:

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Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz

What is Laser Therapy?

Animal Hospitals have adopted new and innovative ways to treat our local pet community. Recently veterinarians have been looking towards drug and surgery free alternatives to pain relief, exactly what laser therapy was designed for. K Laser therapy is a practice where veterinarians use near infrared wavelength lasers on the specific area that needs relief. The healing effects of K Laser increase circulation in targeted areas, decreased swelling, reduction of pain and enhanced tissue repair.

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Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz

Effective Ways to Instantly Get Rid of Fleas!

Do your dogs or cats have fleas? As a pet owner, it’s probably something you’ve dreaded ever happening because, not only is it a pain for you, it’s just as awful for your animal. There are many states that have a big problem with infestations; South Florida, especially, is a haven for them due to the humidity, but there are many effective ways to get rid of these pesky parasites that might be beneficial to both you and your pet.

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Alexandra Trontz Alexandra Trontz

How to Prevent Heartworm

The statistics concerning heartworm in dogs and cats is alarming, especially since this is a preventable condition. Experts have found heartworm infections in pets in all 50 states because it is transmitted by infected mosquitoes that carry the larvae that will enter an animal's bloodstream before traveling to the heart. Approximately, one in 200 puppies or dogs will have heartworm at some time in an animal's life, but felines are infected less often. You might think that keeping a pet inside your home is a way to avoid this dangerous condition, but this is not true according to our research.

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