Effective Ways to Instantly Get Rid of Fleas!

Do your dogs or cats have fleas? As a pet owner, it’s probably something you’ve dreaded ever happening because, not only is it a pain for you, it’s just as awful for your animal. There are many states that have a big problem with infestations; South Florida, especially, is a haven for them due to the humidity, but there are many effective ways to get rid of these pesky parasites that might be beneficial to both you and your pet.

5 Symptoms to Watch For
Symptoms of an infestation aren’t always very obvious, especially when you’ve never had to deal with the problem before. There are a few signs and stages you should be on the look out for if you suspect your dogs or cats are the victim of an outbreak.
• Scratching, licking and biting: Fleas set up camp in hard to reach areas like the tail, head and groin. When you see your pet incessantly biting or scratching at these areas, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with them.
• Red patches of skin: Fleas' saliva contains allergens that can cause allergic reactions for some pets. Similar to a human’s reaction who might be allergic to something, a flea bite can cause rashes or lesions on the body.
• Hair loss: This is not exclusive to bites, but it is a common symptom. Due to the constant scratching and biting, a dog or cat might pull out their own fur, so inspect the areas behind the ears, the tail and groin to verify the severity of the scratching.
• Pale gums: A sign of anemia, pale gums can indicate a more serious case. When a significant amount of blood has been extracted, your pet cannot combat the amount of blood it has lost, thus leading to anemia.
• Dirt: If you’ve noticed black or reddish-brown spots on your pet’s skin or throughout your home, that could be what is known as flea dirt, which is actually fleas' feces. To figure out if it’s one or the other, use a water sprayer and a white paper towel or tissue and spray the “dirt”. If it turns a dark reddish color, it’s most likely feces.

How to Get Rid of Fleas
If you're uncomfortable with using harsh chemicals around your home, maybe because of children being present in the home, there are several homemade remedies you can use to both get rid of an outbreak and prevent another one from starting.

1. Dish soap: Create a trap using a bowl full of ordinary dish soap and warm water. Place the bowl in the rooms where you see the most activity.
2. Vacuuming and Baking soda: One of the more effective ways to combat these bugs is by vacuuming. However, for this remedy to work, first lay down baking soda on your carpet and furniture and rub it into the fabric with a hard brush.
3. Salt: Similar to baking soda, salt is a fantastic home remedy when you pair it with vacuuming. Sprinkle the salt all over your carpet and leave it to sit for one or two days, then vacuum throughout your home.
4. Repelling plants: Some plants contain certain oils and chemicals that these bugs will try to avoid. Penny Royals, Lavender and Spearmint are just a few that have repelling factors.

Treatment to Quickly Remove
Now that you’ve successfully identified the problem you dogs or cats are having, the next step is to treat them. Thankfully, there are options, many of which you can find at your local pet retailer.
• First, remove eggs and adults with a comb by dipping it into a mixture of soap and water.
• Bathe your pet in a specially formatted shampoo.
• Treat your dog or cat with a special spray, Advantage Treatment Spray is an excellent option.
• Use preventative measures year-round, this makes treatment less of a hassle should another round occur.
• Treat your pet with a fast acting oral medication that makes washing away the dead bugs a lot easier.
• Inspect and comb your pet on a weekly basis to keep an eye on an infestation.
• Check your furniture and carpets by vacuuming regularly.

As a pet owner, you never want to witness them suffering, so having the proper resources and tools to help ease their pain or prevent it altogether is always welcome.


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